Thursday, September 18, 2008

cribnastics and other new adventures

At nearly seven months, Ainsley is getting more and more interested in the world around her. While she is not crawling yet, she is rolling over and scooting backwards when she tries to crawl (much to her frustration). At her six month appointment she weighed 14 pounds, 6 ounces, and was 24.5 inches long. So, she's making up for a tiny start.

Ainsley and Annie were playing at our house, and while Annie is crawling and sitting up on her own, Ainsley is not. So, as they were playing with each other, Annie's brother Ethan exclaimed, "Look! They're wrestling!"

Sometimes Ainsley finds herself in a difficult spot during her rolling around exercises. She often ends up under Canaan's grandfather's chair.

Because she is rolling so much, she is all over the crib. On this particular day, she had become unswaddled and and pulled the sleep sack off of the side of the crib and somehow managed to get one arm in it.

During bath time, she often likes to play with the cup that I rinse her off with. No, we haven't started letting her drink sweet tea from Jason's Deli, but we might let her have some from McAlister's when it opens.

She forced her parents to move the monitor from the top of the crib when she started pulling it in with her to play with instead of napping.

While she is generally sleeping through the night, you never know what state she might be in when you go to get her out of bed. One morning I was trying to get her back to sleep after an early morning feeding with little luck. I sent in Canaan, the master swaddler, to see if he could do the trick. Still, no luck. When I went back in after waiting a Ferber-approved amount of time, she was not only unswaddled, but naked from the waist up. She had somehow managed to get her arms out through the neck of her onesie and it was now down around her waist. Maybe we should stick to the sleep sack.


echoesofmercy said...

haha.. naked from the waste up?? that would have been a great DC story!! ha! love it!